SYMPATHY: to Butch and Susan Kyker at the passing of their daughter, Kelly Mack, on Friday, January 7. Arrangements are pending.
SYMPATHY: to Martha Pennington and Renee Berkheimer at the passing of their husband/father, Dean Pennington, on Wednesday, January 5. Arrangements are pending.
SYMPATHY: to Marilyn Deegan and family at the passing of her husband, Harry Deegan, on Friday, December 31. Arrangements are pending.
SYMPATHY: to Jerry and Marlene Brodbeck at the passing of his brother, David Brodbeck, on Saturday, January 1. The funeral was on Friday, January 7 in Manchester.
SERVICE REMINDERS: All in-person church activities are still cancelled for now. The Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening services will continue to be live-streamed at their normal times.
OFFERING & TITHING ENVELOPES: During this time, please continue to submit your weekly offering which you can do online through the Church Website, or by mail, or you may drop it off at the Church during the week. Also, the 2022 offering envelopes are still available for pick-up on the table in the church hallway.
SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS: The Conquerors Class also offers a Dial-A-Lesson phone line ministry. You can hear their current week’s Sunday School lesson or the previous week’s Sunday School message by calling (443) 241-6746.
MEMBER DIRECTORY: Copies of the updated directories are now available for pick up at the Welcome Desk. Please contact Veronica Mouring with any updates -(410) 876-3838, ext.303 or