CONGRATULATIONS: to Frank and Ginny Elgersma on the birth of their great-grandson, Rowan Labright Welker, on Tuesday, November 30, weighing 6lbs. 13 oz. and 21 inches long. The proud parents are Ray and Holley Welker of Burlington, NC.
IN MEMORY: The flower on the organ was placed there by Ruth Chrest and Cheryl Humbert in loving memory of Robert Chrest, who passed away on December 22, 2019.
GOOD SHEPHERD CLASS: will resume on January 9.
TITHING ENVELOPES: The 2022 offering envelopes are ready for pick-up and are located on the table in the church hallway.
MEMBER DIRECTORY: Copies of the updated directories are now available for pick up at the Welcome Desk.
POINSETTIAS: For those who purchased poinsettias, you may pick them up tonight after the Cantata presentation. The list displaying the names of loved ones for whom they were purchased, is located on the table in the foyer.
From My Heart
Karen and I trust everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We are both thankful for the wonderful church family we have at Church of the Open Door. I wish the Covid situation was different, as it has prevented us from doing some things we wanted to do this Christmas, but it is what it is!
I am glad we did not have to cancel the Christmas Cantata! Even though we are a couple of weeks late, we are going to have the Cantata this evening at 6:00. I want to encourage you to invite someone to come with you to enjoy this beautiful Christmas music.
I want to thank the folks who worked so hard to make the Live Nativity a great success. A special thanks to Mark and Tiffany Rill for providing all the animals. I just knew Clyde (the camel) would be a big hit with everyone. Someone rightly said a camel is a horse put together by a Baptist committee. You only need look at a camel to understand that God has a sense of humor! Anyway, thanks to the Brunners, the Mullers, and Pastor Ray, for building the stable! I also want to thank the teens and the helpers who came to make sure everything worked. It is always dangerous to start thanking folks, because inevitably you will leave someone out! If I left you out, I apologize and want you to know we are all thankful for your help.
In Luke 2:17, we are told the shepherds came to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus, and then went out telling what they had seen and heard to anyone who would listen. I dare say, their lives were dramatically changed after the experience they had that evening. I seriously doubt they were ever the same after seeing the sky lit up from the angels of Heaven announcing the birth of the Messiah.
When they came to Bethlehem and found Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus it so touched their lives they went out to broadcast the news of the Messiah being born. Christmas is a wonderful time of giving, and we all enjoy giving gifts to make others happy. God gave the world the greatest gift on that first Christmas, and once we see the Lord with our own eyes of faith, we will want to tell others just like these shepherds. The whole world needs to hear the message that the Savior of mankind has come!
Have a great day!
Pastor Norris
Christine Albin - Adventist Health #4306
Joyce Bornman - CHC #301
Dottie Ensor - Carroll Lutheran Hospice #418
Ugochukwa Okani - Univ. MD #5
Courtney Sonski - Sinai #109