CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS: If you would like to purchase a poinsettia in memory or in honor of a family member or friend, the forms are located at the Welcome Desk.
FOOD DISTRIBUTION: We are planning a food distribution opportunity for Friday, November 19 and are looking for volunteers to help between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.. Please stop by the Welcome Desk to sign up.
LIVE NATIVITY: Our first “Live” walk-through/drive-through Nativity entitled “Creation to Calvary” will run for three days; Monday, December 20, Tuesday, December 21, and Thursday, December 23. We are in need of volunteers for this program so please stop by the Welcome Desk to sign up if you can help. For more information see Pastor Shutt.
From My Heart
We are going to get another delivery of food next Friday, November 19, just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. Please help us spread the word and invite folks who could benefit. We never know what will be sent, but whatever it is, it will be beneficial to help folks out during the holiday. I will have more to say about it in today’s services. This is such a great opportunity for our Church to be a blessing to the community, so please help us spread the word!
The other day, I received a magazine from the Institute of Creation Research, and there was a wonderful cartoon in it I want to share with you. There were four boxes, and I want to describe them. The first box showed a very modern, intricately designed building, that would impress and attract anyone’s attention who passed by! A man is standing outside looking at this amazing design and the workmanship, and says, “Wow! What an amazing feat! The architect who designed this is a genius!”
The second box shows a man and woman walking down the hallway passed glass-enclosed rooms filled with computers! He says to the lady, “Yes, it is very intricately constructed. The engineers who put this together are absolutely brilliant people.”
The third box shows two ladies standing in an art gallery, looking at a painting of a wildlife scene. One gal says to the other, “This is absolutely stunning, don’t you think? This artist is just so brilliantly creative! His work amazes me!” And the final box shows a teacher in a classroom with several students sitting before him. He has a plastic torso of a man, with the front opened so his students can see all the organs inside. You can see the lungs, the heart, the stomach, the liver, the gallbladder, the intestines, and the teacher says, “Class, look at this! The human body is so complex, and it came about by pure chance!”
So, you see a building and credit is given to the architect, a large intricate computer facility and credit is given to the engineers, a beautiful painting and credit is given to the painter! To see something created and built is to assume there was a creator and builder behind it. The building did not just happen, even over time! Even if you hauled all the materials needed and left them on the building site - a building would not eventually appear on the site!
But, when it comes to the human body, which is 10,000 times 10,000 times more complex than anything men can put together - and yet we do not want to give God the credit for creating that? “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1). “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.” (Gen. 1:27).
Have a wonderful Lord’s Day!
Pastor Norris