The Audio Lessons found below began to be recorded for people to listen to through our Church website and Sunday School web page during the COVID-19 pestilence when our physical Sunday School Classes were halted and shut down by Governor Hogan back in mid-March 2020.
Since the physical attendance to our Sunday School Classes were re-instated here at Church of the Open Door on Sunday, July 11, 2021, you may now physically attend the actual Conqueror's Sunday School Class here in Baker Auditorium each Sunday morning at 9:45am!
Even though our physical Sunday School Classes have now started back up, we will continue to post copies of the Audio Lessons along with a printable .PDF Outline each week as noted below. The Subject of each Audio Lesson in each series can be seen below and you may listen to any of these lessons from anywhere in the world and at any time day or night by simply clicking on a particular lesson title.
We trust these Sunday School lessons will continue to be a blessing for you each and every week, but if you are in our area, please stop by and visit the Conqueror's Sunday School Class in person on Sunday morning at 9:45am. Sunday School Fellowship time begins at 9:15am...we hope to see you here soon!
---Pastor Ray Shutt, Conqueror's Class Teacher

'Where Is Your Church Going? (Essentials of a Quality Church)' Series
Taught June 5, 2022 through September 25, 2022
Click on a lesson below to see or to print a Lesson Outline
and/or to listen to an Audio Lesson as it was taught
Lesson One - 'Problems Churches Face' - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on June 5, 2022)
Lesson One - 'Problems Churches Face' - Part Two - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on June 12, 2022)
Lesson Two - 'Teaching That's On Target!' - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on June 19, 2022)
Lesson Three - 'Before and After Pictures' - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on June 26, 2022)
Lesson Four - 'The Priority in Problem Solving' - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on July 3, 2022)
Lesson Five - "What's A Woman To Do?" (Part One) - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on July 10, 2022)
Lesson Five - "What's A Woman To Do?" (Part Two) - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on July 17, 2022)
Lesson Six - "What's A Pastor To Be?" (Part One) - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on July 24, 2022)
Lesson Six - "What's A Pastor To Be?" (Part Two) - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on July 31, 2022)
Lesson Seven - "Selected To Serve" - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on August 7, 2022)
Lesson Eight - "Truth Defenders" - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on August 14, 2022)
Lesson Nine - "The Profile of a Healthy Believer" - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on August 21, 2022)
Lesson Nine - "The Profile of a Healthy Believer" (Part Two) - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on August 28, 2022)
Lesson Ten - "Family Communication and Care" - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on September 4, 2022)
Lesson Eleven - "Treat Your Pastor Right" - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on September 11, 2022)
Lesson Twelve - "Labor Relations God's Way" - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on September 18, 2022)
Lesson Thirteen - "Investment Success" - (Taught & Recorded LIVE in Conqueror's Class on September 25, 2022)
Exciting News!
Beginning on Sunday, April 26, 2020...
Do you know someone who does not have internet access to listen to our lessons online? Then tell them that they may now listen to our Conqueror's Class Audio Lessons through their home phone or mobile phone device from anywhere in the world by simply calling our Conquerors 'Dial-A-Lesson' phone line ministry at (443) 241-6746 any time day or night.
During the introduction, they will be given the option to listen to the current week's Sunday School lesson (Press option '1') in its entirety or they may listen to the previous week's Sunday School lesson (Press option '2') in its entirety. The lessons are updated each week!
And the great thing is, whether someone is driving to work, or doing their daily walk, or if out of town, or even in an area where internet access is either limited or simply not available, ANYONE can listen to our Conqueror's Sunday School Class audio lessons AT ANY TIME through a landline phone or mobile phone device!
So, if you know someone in our class, or perhaps a neighbor, or relative, or co-worker who wants to hear good Bible teaching and they do not have access to the internet, you can encourage them to call and listen to our Conqueror's Sunday School Class lessons through our new Conquerors 'Dial-A-Lesson' phone line ministry at (443) 241-6746. Make that call TODAY!
Also beginning on Sunday, April 26, 2020, if you know someone who cannot physically attend the services here at Church of the Open Door because they live in another city or state, or because they do NOT have access to watch the LIVE SERVICES through the internet, they can now use any mobile or landline phone to call our Church's new 'DIAL-A-SERMON' ministry at (443) 331-5866 and listen to any recent service through their phone! They will be given three options for listening...they can either press Option 1 to hear the most recent Sunday morning sermon, or press Option 2 to hear the most recent Sunday evening sermon, or press Option 3 to hear the most recent Wednesday evening Bible Study sermon. Be sure to pass this information on to everyone you know who does not have access to the services through the internet!