SYMPATHY: is extended to Viktoriia Liashenko and her family at the passing of her son, Nazarii Liashenko, on Tuesday, May 28, in San Antonio, TX.
RED ENVELOPES: are out on the table in the foyer to help the Teens with their mission trip. Each envelope has a number on it to represent the gift amount that you are giving. Your red envelope(s) with your gift may be placed in the offering plate or turned in at the Welcome Desk.
RECOGNIZING OUR GRADUATES: Today is the final day to submit a form to have your graduate recognized in our special handout. Stop by the Welcome Desk today to complete a form.
From My Heart
I was very disappointed that I missed graduation at CCS last Friday! But my granddaughter, Ava, from Orlando, graduated from high school, so I could not have missed that momentous event! It was a nice graduation exercise; they came across the stage to get their diplomas in alphabetical order, and since her last name is Wyant, she was the last one! But it was worth the wait. Karen and I flew back Monday evening!
Memorial Day is the unofficial start of the summer, although the calendar tells us it is June 21st. As folks go on vacations and visit family, let’s remember to keep up with our tithes and offerings. The work of the church goes on through the summer months, and we need to make sure our giving stays consistent. We have salaries, missionaries, air-conditioning bills, and a host of other things we all agreed last December to fund when we approved the budget. Please determine to keep on top of our obligations we made before the Lord.
I suppose you saw where a branch of the United Nations has issued a warrant for the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu, where they intend to charge him with “war crimes?” You see, in the eyes of the world, if you are Jewish, you are not allowed to defend yourself against evil, demented, lust-driven terrorists. If you are Jewish, I suppose you should simply allow Hamas access to your sovereign nation and allow them to kill, rape, behead, and even burn babies alive in an oven! The entire world should have come down on the Hamas heathens and destroyed every single one of them for the things they perpetrated against the innocent Israelis.
It amazes me how our entire world is completely upside down! Recently, I was reading Romans 3 about the sinful condition of man’s heart. The Apostle Paul wastes no words describing the heart of all men. The bottom line in 3:10 is, “As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one:” He then sets out to argue that truth with some of the greatest facts, which no man can argue.
One of the great truths that comes out of this is what is found in vs. 15-18. These few verses are a glowing explanation of the wickedness of a world that has rejected God! “Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes.” That last sentence describes both the Hamas terrorist and the Israel-hating world of the United Nations - “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” What is right has become wrong, and what is wrong has become right! All of this is produced by a world that has no “fear of God before their eyes.”
This is a sad world we are living in and will only get worse as men reject God. Keep looking up - the return of the Lord is surely getting closer and closer.
Pastor Norris