SYMPATHY: to Paul Brilman at the passing of his mother, Helga Brilman, on Wednesday, January 24. Arrangements are pending.
SYMPATHY: to Jim & Monica Van Etten and their family at the passing of their mother/grandmother, Karen Poole, on Saturday, January 20. Arrangements are pending.
TITHING STATEMENTS: Today is the final day that we will have the 2023 statements available before and after services for pick-up at the table in the church hallway. Please contact the Church Office at (410) 876-3838, ext. 304 if you would like to make other arrangements.
OFFERING ENVELOPES: If you still have not picked up your offering envelopes and would like to, please let Cheryl or Veronica know, or you can contact the Church Office.
LIVING CROSS: If you are interested in participating in this year’s production entitled, "The Resurrection and the Life," you can sign-up at the Welcome Desk or register online through the Church Website. Please see Pastor Jung if you have any questions.
CCS GOLF OUTING: CCS will be hosting a golf tournament fundraiser on Monday, May 6, at Quail Valley Golf Course. Brochures are located at the Welcome Desk. For more information, contact Morgan Peterson at
From My Heart
The Bible
By Dr. Shelton L. Smith
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished until all good works” (II Timothy 3:16, 17).
Our success as servants of God is largely dependent upon our
unwavering fidelity to the great tool He has given us – the Bible. Without it we cannot be “thoroughly furnished” for any work to which He calls us. Through it we are taught, reproved, corrected, and trained for all the
experiences and endeavors of the Christian life.
Voluminous criticism of the Bible pours like raging floods from those who do not believe it is God’s inspired Book. Some do not like its
ministry of “reproof” and “correction” through its message of judgment upon sin; others have been led into disbelief by infidel professors or friends. In either case, Satan “hath blinded the minds of them believe not” (II Corinthians 4:4).
The treasures of the Bible are sometimes deep beneath the surface, and it can take meticulous effort to draw them from its depths. An unbeliever or an antagonist of the Bible could hardly be expected to go to the trouble of seeking solutions to seeming difficulties, so it is natural that they will miss much of what God has said, misunderstand His meaning, and misrepresent it when speaking of it to others. Why should we go to them to hear what they have to say about the Bible?
Through the centuries and still today notably brilliant men have given themselves to God because they were convinced the Bible is true. They took the necessary time to read and made the necessary effort to
meditate, while humbling themselves before the Author of the Bible. Those who love the Word of God are the ones who can explain the truth with assurance, and surely, they should be our source of information about it.
Whatever subject we choose for our message, the world will have a different view about it. We believe our opinion should be valued above theirs simply because it is taken from the Bible. The message we have is not just our opinion – it is the truth of God!
All great preaching is from the Bible!