WANTED: Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guard, in uniform, to participate in the Church of the Open Door’s Veterans Day Program on Sunday, November 12, during the morning service. If you are able to volunteer, please contact Pastor Brian Jung at 410-876-3838, ext. 312.
SURE FOUNDATIONS: will begin a new session on Sunday, October 8, at 5:00 p.m. in Baker. The class is designed for new members, new Christians, or current members who just want to grow more in their personal ministry for Christ. To attend, please register online or at the Welcome Desk.
CCS BOOK FAIR: takes place the week of October 9th in the School Library. You will be able to shop Monday through Thursday between 3:15 p.m. and 3:45 p.m., as well as Monday evening, October 9, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. The Book Fair will be open on Grandparents Day, Friday, October 13, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
From My Heart
I want to thank the King’s Messengers and College & Career class for making the pie fellowship a great success last Sunday evening. I had a piece of peach pie with vanilla ice cream, and it was amazing. As I looked around the room, I noticed that everyone was having a great time and certainly enjoying their pie and the fellowship of others.
There was a story last Monday on the national news about a school board in Pennsylvania that adopted this wicked transgender foolishness and decided to allow boys who are declaring themselves to now to be girls to go use the girls’ restroom facilities and locker rooms. This has caused a major uproar in one high school, and last Monday there was a huge walk-out as the students staged a protest against the new policy.
This kind of demented thinking is only going to continue to be forced upon our children and our society. The colleges, universities, and public schools today have become nothing more than indoctrination centers for the radicals who have taken control of these institutions.
Do you remember when students came to the classroom, sat at their desks, and learned while the teacher taught a lesson? In today’s average classroom in the public school, there is nothing but absolute chaos. It is almost impossible to accomplish anything because the inmates are running the asylum. I do not know why it is, but most children today have the attention span of a gnat!
In 1970, I saw a drastic change in the Jr. High School I attended. The dress code was dropped, and we were allowed to wear whatever we wanted to wear. The boys all grew out their hair - which is always a sign of rebellion against authority! ALWAYS! There was a defiant stand against any and all authority. And when did all this begin? It began shortly after Madalyn Murray-O’Hare sued the United States and had the Bible and prayer removed from the classroom!
And what do we have today? We have the chaos we are seeing everywhere in education! America’s public schools are so broken, they will never be able to be restored to days gone by! Like Humpty Dumpty, they are so shattered, “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could never put America’s schools back together again!”
If memory serves me correctly - September just started a few days ago - and yet, today is October 1!!! Doesn’t time fly when you are having fun? Have a great day in the Lord’s House, and let’s not forget to pray for one another!
Pastor Norris
Carl Baker - York Hospital T349
Joshua Welsh - Johns Hopkins 747-B
David Weston - Union Memorial 831