Order of Service
10:45 AM |
6:00 PM |
Rejoice, the Lord Is King (58)
When Morning Gilds the Skies (42)
This Is My Father’s World (67)
Special Music:
Gina Fuchs
Message By:
Pastor Ray Shutt
Isn’t the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful! (217)
Higher Ground (296)
Bring Them In (433)
Offering: Ron Reed
Special Music:
Jennifer Reed
Message By: Pastor Joshua Belcher
CONGRATULATIONS: to Dave & Wanda Weston and Dave & Nadine Roberts at the birth of their granddaughter, Natalie Jane Roberts, on Tuesday, May 2, weighing 7.5lbs and 19.25 inches long. The proud parents are Daniel and Jaclyne Roberts.
THANK YOU: We would like to thank our church family for your condolences at the passing of Christine’s father. Your thoughtfulness and words of comfort were truly appreciated during this difficult time. Thanks again, Dave & Christine Bish
THANK YOU: Lori and I would like to thank everyone that prayed for us, sent sympathy cards, and offered condolences during the
difficult loss of my uncle and cousin. Your love displayed means a whole lot. We love you all. In Christ, Gary & Lori Clark
THANK YOU: to all nursery workers and members who support this ministry. Big shout outs to: Sandie Parrish for her consistent support and for supplying needed items, Lee & Joan Dillon for the beautiful custom-made window curtains and for laundry service, David Brown and Carl Baker who check in on this basement ministry, the grandparents who bring their grandchildren and also work to care for our little charges, Pastor Aaron for monitoring the check-in system, Andrew Mouring for maintenance support and communication, and each worker who helps regularly and during Living Cross/Revivals. This ministry could not be what it is without every one of you! Also, the workers and children are enjoying the new flooring and thank all who helped make that happen! If you would like to join this vibrant ministry, send me a text! Thank you, Anne-Marie Albaugh, 443-375-2078.
NEW CLASS BEGINNING: A new weekly class entitled “Sure Foundations” will begin on Sunday, June 4, in Baker Auditorium from 5:00 p.m. until 5:45p.m. This class is a set of 12 lessons designed for new members, new Christians, or current members who have been saved for a while but just want to grow more in their personal ministry for Christ. To attend, please register online or at the Welcome Desk.
From My Heart
Our Spring Revival Meeting begins next Sunday with Dr. John Hamblin as our guest evangelist. I want to encourage you to plan to be here for every service and invite some folks to come with you. We are going to designate Tuesday night as “Carroll Christian Schools Night” and have the High School choir sing for us! We are inviting CCS parents to come out that night, so hopefully we will see a big turnout. If we will all pray for the meeting, support each service with our presence, and listen as the Holy Spirit works on our hearts - we can have a wonderful four days of spiritual blessing.
Have you heard anything about some of the plans in the works for our country? The word is circulating that there is an initiative coming to our country that will make our physical money go away, and all monetary transactions will be done virtually. There is already a plan to put this into operation. Once you get into the “fine print” of how this will work, you realize this is being done to allow the government to control our personal banking and every area of our lives.
This plan is just one more step towards full-blown Socialism and the centralization of power to the Federal Government. In the “fine print,” this proposal has a provision for the government to take away money from you if it is deemed you have too much! They will then be able to control every aspect of our lives!
I know what you are thinking, “Pastor, this will never happen in America!” We never thought drag queens would be reading books to first graders either! We never thought banks would report us to the government for transactions over 600 dollars! We never thought the government would be collecting our phone calls, our text messages, our emails, and our social media posts to a permanent data mining facility either!
The people of America need to understand what Socialism does! When Obama said he wanted to “fundamentally change” America, he meant to change it from a capitalist republic to a socialist fascist centralized government where the elitists tell the non-elitists how they are going to live.
Can you imagine having to get permission to draw money from your account to go on a weekend trip to Ocean City? Can you imagine the government dictating what car you can drive? Can you imagine the government telling you what they will allow you to purchase at the store? This is what is coming if we do not stand up to the tyranny the Progressive Left is implementing with their Marxist ideology.
Have a great day today, and let’s pray for America and for our Revival Meeting.
Pastor Norris
Andy Allen - JH Bayview ICU4
Brea Allen - JH Bayview ICU3
Ron Baker - Johns Hopkins 6A
Grace Duvall - UMMS IMC 25
Frank Elgersma - CHC 416
Harold Forney - York Hosp. 2302
Craig Lippy - Union Memorial 423
Joe Mann - CHC 22
Bob Martin - CHC 519
Thomas Owens - Sinai 3010