Conquerors SS Details


February 16, 2025

“Walking Wisely In A Foolish World” Series
Lesson Seven: “The Wisdom of Purity”
Proverbs chapters 5-7 and Other Various Scripture Passages

Conqueror’s Sunday School Class – Sunday, February 16, 2025 

Today’s Lesson Theme Verse is found in this passage of Scripture…
“For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.”
Proverbs 6:23-24
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Today’s Lesson Thought can be summed up in this question…
“Are you enjoying God’s design or simply enduring the devil’s deceptions?”
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Lesson: ‘The Wisdom of Purity’


I           : The Rewards of Sexual Purity

               -  I Kings 11:1-6, Psalm 119:89, Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2:18-24,
                  Proverbs 18:22,
 I Corinthians 7:1-4, Ephesians 5:22-33, Matthew 19:4-5


II         : The Price of Sexual Impurity

               - Proverbs 5:18-19, Proverbs 5:3-4, Proverbs 6:32, Deuteronomy 6:5


III        : God’s Parameters fort Sexual Purity 

             A: Set Parameters in your life to Glorify God
                 -  Exodus 20:14, Galatians 5:19-26, I Corinthians 6:19-20

             B: Set Parameters in your life to Avoid Selfishness
                  - I Corinthians 7:3-5


IV        : Why Do People Succumb to Sexual Impurity?

            A: The Lack of Devotion to God and His Word
                 - Romans 1:18-32

            B: The Lack of Self-Discipline Regarding God’s Instruction
                - Proverbs 5:7-14, Proverbs 4:1-2


V         : So How Does One Cultivate Sexual Purity While Living In A
              World That Does Not?

            A: Cultivate a Pure Mind
                 - Philippians 2:5, Proverbs 5:1-2, Psalm 101:3, I Thessalonians 5:22

            B: Cultivate a Pure Body
                - I Thessalonians 4:3-4, I Corinthians 6:15-20

            * Click here to view previous lessons taught in this series

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Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3