Wisely In A Foolish World” Series
Lesson Six:
“The Wisdom of a Good Reputation” (Part Two)
Various Scripture Passages in Proverbs
Conqueror’s Sunday School Class – Sunday, February
9, 2025
Today’s Lesson Theme Verse is found in this passage of Scripture…
“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving
favour rather than silver and gold.”
Proverbs 22:1
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Today’s Lesson Thought can be summed up in these two questions…
Important Is A Good Reputation?”
“Is It Difficult To Have A Good Reputation/Testimony For The Lord?”
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Lesson: ‘The Wisdom of a Good
I : Character: A Good
Reputation in the Eyes of God
- Proverbs 11:5, Acts 11:19-26, Acts 4:13, II
Peter 2:1-22, I Corinthians 9:14,
II Corinthians 5:17, II Corinthians 5:20-21, Romans
2:11, Romans 3:10,
Romans 3:23, Isaiah 64:6, Romans 5:1-2, I Corinthians
A: The Essence of Character
- Proverbs 11:5
B: The Effects of Character
- Proverbs 11:20, Proverbs 28:18, Joshua 1:8
II : Integrity: A Good
Reputation in the Eyes of Men
- Proverbs 11:3
A: The Ingredients of Integrity
- Proverbs 11:3, Job 1:1-8, Job 2:3
B: The Impact of Integrity
- Proverbs 11:20, Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 2:7, Proverbs 11:11,
14:34, Proverbs 21:8, Proverbs 29:27, Proverbs 22:1
* Click here to view previous lessons taught in this series