Conquerors SS Details


June 30, 2024

“The True Story of the New Testament – Responding To Christ and His Commission”
Lesson Six: “The Church’s Leadership” (Part Two)
Various Scripture Passages from I Timothy, II Timothy, and Titus
Conquerors Sunday School Class – Sunday, June 30, 2024

Our Lesson’s Theme Verse is found in this passage of Scripture…
“If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.”
I Timothy 4:6
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Today’s Lesson Thought can be summed up in this one little Question…
“Do I Truly Love And Pray For Our Church Leaders As I Should?”
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Lesson: ‘The Church’s Leadership’ 

I           : Paul’s Later Years

              A: The Prison Epistles

              B: The Period of Freedom

              C: Paul’s Second Imprisonment and Martyrdom

              D: The Pastoral Epistles


II         : The Letter We Call, I Timothy

              A: The Place of Writing and the Key Word

              B: The Theme and Purpose of Writing

              C: The One Addressed

              D: The Qualifications of The Pastor

              E: The Qualifications of Deacons

              F: The Charge to Timothy


III        : The Letter We Call, Titus

              A: The Place of Writing and the Key Words

              B: The One Addressed

              C: The Theme and Purpose of the Letter to Titus

              D: The Relation of Good Works to Salvation


IV        : The Letter We Call, II Timothy

              A: The Place of Writing

              B: The Theme and Purpose

              C: The Nature of Scripture

              D: Paul’s Parting Words

The Scourby Bible Readings are being aired with the permission of copyright owner Litchfield Associates. All rights reserved. You can hear more selected Bible readings on and order a personal copy of the readings.
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3