Conquerors SS Details


September 5, 2021

Good Morning and Welcome to Conqueror’s Sunday School Class on this first Sunday of September 2021!

Today, we will be departing from our current series from the books of I and II Thessalonians because we have a special treat for you!

Today, we have with us, the Muldoon Family who are Church Planters to the Deaf in Romania. Most of you already know Marie (Lea-Wilson) Muldoon and now you get to meet her husband, Ben, and their new little baby girl, Serenity, who was born on May 17th of this year!

Today Ben and Marie will be presenting the area of ministry to which God has called them, and that being to reach the deaf who have literally never heard the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Romania!

We will pick back up in our “Staying on Course” series from I & II Thessalonians next Sunday with lesson Seven entitled, “Warning! Falling Rocks!”, so we look forward to seeing you all back then!

Join us in praying for this dear family as they serve our Lord and reach those whom you and I may never have the opportunity or privilege to reach in Romania! We look forward to hearing what they have to say to us this morning!

Please take time and visit their website at for more information about their ministry to the deaf in Romania!

God bless and Thank-You for being with us in Conqueror’s Class today!

~ Ray Shutt, Conqueror’s Class Teacher



Deaf Disciplers...

With 70,000,000 Deaf worldwide there is certainly a lot of work to do! While our focus and passion is reaching and training Deaf men, we are aware that it will take an army of laborers to significantly impact the Silent World with the Gospel and Christlikeness... an army of Deaf and hearing, men and women, that are passionate about God's mission of reaching people with the Gospel and discipling them to mature Christlikeness!

In short:

We aim to train men in the local church to reach the silent world.

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The Scourby Bible Readings are being aired with the permission of copyright owner Litchfield Associates. All rights reserved. You can hear more selected Bible readings on and order a personal copy of the readings.
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3